• Magic


"Amulets and talismans are the first ornaments in humankind history, worn not out of vanity, but to transfer onto themselves the divine benevolence of which they were bearers. They are magical jewels, denoted by the apotropaic function of warding off malignant influences, attracting benign ones and preserving therapeutic properties. What we present to you is a selection of “magical” jewels that includes Italian amulets and talismans with apotropaic, propitiatory, protective and healing properties that cross time and cultures."
Alba Cappellieri , Curator
"Amulets and talismans are the first ornaments in humankind history, worn not out of vanity, but to transfer onto themselves the divine benevolence of which they were bearers. They are magical jewels, denoted by the apotropaic function of warding off malignant influences, attracting benign ones and preserving therapeutic properties. What we present to you is a selection of “magical” jewels that includes Italian amulets and talismans with apotropaic, propitiatory, protective and healing properties that cross time and cultures."

Collane di “Maometti”, manifattura napoletana per il mercato nord africano, ultimo quarto XIX secolo

“Maometti” necklaces of Neapolitan manufacture for the North African market, last quarter of the 19th Century
Museum Collection, Antonino De Simone

Spilla con tre teste di Diana con crescente lunare sul capo, orafo trapanese o napoletano, seconda metà XVIII secolo

Brooch with three heads of Diana with crescent moon on the head, goldsmith from Trapani or Naples, second half of the 18th Century
Carved coral
Museum Collection, Antonino De Simone

Collana con perle Rosetta veneziane, XIX secolo; pendente magico “gris gris” in fibra vegetale e argilla, affiancato da denti animali (cane selvatico?), XX secolo, Repubblica Democratica del Congo

Necklace with Venetian Rosetta pearls, 19th Century; "gris gris" magic pendant in vegetable fiber and clay, flanked by animal teeth (wild dog?), 20th Century, Democratic Republic of Congo
Venetian Rosetta Pearls, vegetal fiber, clay
140 x 300 mm
Augusto Panini Collection

Fibula con nucleo d’ambra, Necropoli di Novilara, Età del Ferro,VII-VII sec. A. C.

Fibula with amber core, Necropolis of Novilara, Iron Age, VII-VII Century B.C.
Bronze wire
120 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche
Credits: MiBACT – SAPAB Marche

Conchiglie di Glycimeris Insubrica forata, Fossombrone, Metà IV millennio a.C.

Shells of Glycimeris Insubrica forata, Fossombrone, mid 4th millennium B.C.
About 30 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche
Credits: MiBACT – SAPAB Marche

Pendente a forma di disco solare traforato a ruota, Necropoli di Novilara, Età del Ferro, VIII-VII sec. a.C.


Pendant in the shape of a perforated solar disk, Necropolis of Novilara, Iron Age, VIII-VII Century B.C.
ø 53 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche
Credits: MiBACT – SAPAB Marche 

Bracciali, SOVRAMONTE (BL)

Set of six bracelets with snake head finial, Sovramonte (BL)
Copper alloy
Ø 70 mm circa
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Veneto

Pendente a spirale, Col del Buson (BL)

Spiral pendant, Col del Buson (BL), Copper Age
Copper wire
ø 120 mm circa
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Veneto

Canino di cane/lupo forato, metà IV millennio a.C., Fossombrone (PU)

Perforated dog/wolf canine, mid-4th millennium BC, Fossombrone (PU), Via Della Conserva excavation, Late Neolithic settlement
35 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche

Dente di orso forato, fine III millennio a. C., Frontone (PU)

Drilled bear tooth, late 3rd millennium BC, Frontone (PU), Loc. Pian Di Gallo, remains of Late Copper Age settlement
72 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche

Orecchino con anello in bronzo e ambra, VII-VI sec. a. C., Novialra (PU)

Earring with a bronze and amber ring, VII-VI century BC, Novialra (PU), Molaroni Necropolis, Tomb 14
ø ring 4 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche

Pendaglio pettorale a barca solare con catenelle, VIII-VII sec. a. C., Novilara (PU)

Sun boat pectoral pendant with chains, 8th-7th century BC., Novilara (PU), Servici Necropolis, Tomb 32
180 x 57 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio delle Marche

Anello a forma di stella

Località Cavarzano (BL)
Star-shaped ring
Copper alloy
Ø 30 mm
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Veneto

Collana con perle in vetro e lunulae

Necklace with glass beads and lunulae - crescent moon pendants -, female burial
San Donato near Lamon (BL), silver, blue, red and green glass and a gold leaf, 2nd century A.D.
Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio del Veneto

Magic Room

Edition 2019 - 2020


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