VIVI MUSEO: museum summer centers
Vivi Museo! Colors and Words: museums in play summer educational campuses in Vicenza museums. For all those attending elementary school

Vivi Museo! Colors and words: museums in play summer educational campuses in Vicenza museums
The museum summer camps will include games and activities for curious children to discover science, history, archaeology, art and architecture, as well as a range of activities aimed at primary schoolers.
June 10 to 28, 2024
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Each day a different museum with the same meeting place (Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati)
Monday: Diocesan Museum of Vicenza
Tuesday: Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati
Wednesday: The Jewellery Museum
Thursday: Gallery of Italy - Vicenza
Friday: Palladio Museum or Naturalistic Archaeological Museum
Play, learn...and have fun at every Museum in the City Museum Circuit!
Admission: €135 fee per week, lunch included
Information and registration:
€135.00 per week per participant, lunch included at Bar Minerva
10% discount on the second sibling fee
enrollment link on the website
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