Wednesday, 03 May 2023

"VIVI MUSEO": Museum Summer Camp in Vicenza

Summer educational campuses in the museums of Vicenza for primary school children

"VIVI MUSEO": Museum Summer Camp in Vicenza

During the summer holidays, the city center comes alive thanks to the "Vivi Museo" educational campuses, promoted by the Musei Civici of Vicenza - with the Palazzo Chiericati Museum and the Archaeological Naturalistic Museum - together with the partners of the city museum circuit: Intesa Sanpaolo for Galleries of Italy – Vicenza, Cisa A. Palladio for Palladio Museum, Diocesan Museum of Vicenza, The Jewellery Museum, with the coordination of the Cooperativa Sociale Scatola Cultura.

The campuses will be held every morning from June 19th to July 28th and will be dedicated to discovering the works of art housed in the city's museums through the five senses and creativity.

From 8.30 am to 12.30 pm (earlier and later on request), children who have attended primary school will be able to try their hand at the courses offered to discover the numerous exhibits that "live" in the museums by playing and experimenting, through museum educational activities.

Every day the children will be welcomed by a didactic educator from Scatola Cultura and an educator from the partner museum to be accompanied to the host museum: every day a different museum, every day a unique experience to experience the collections of city museums in a different way. The common thread of the six weeks will be the five senses.

A unique adventure that once again unites the city's museums in a path dedicated to children and, consequently, to their families, offering summer support to working parents but also to those who are curious to experience the educational paths.

At The Jewellery Museum, we will play with keywords to associate them with each sense. Through the interactive exploration of the different sections of the museum, from those relating to the oldest to contemporary artifacts, it will be possible to experiment with materials, techniques, and creative processes in order to understand the value of jewels in history in a playful-didactic way.

For info and reservations call: 3774360180 or write an email

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