Tuesday, 21 February 2023

The Jewellery Museum shines

2023 opens with growing numbers: +134% compared to entries in 2019

The Jewellery Museum shines
There was a sharp increase in admissions to the Vicenza JeweLlery Museum, which in 2022 doubled the number of tickets compared to the pre-pandemic period with +134% compared to 2019. A significant presence for the Italian Exhibition Group museum project created in partnership with the Municipality of Vicenza, which in the nine thematic rooms of the permanent exhibition gives space to the excellence of the Italian goldsmith's art.
The cultural proposal of the Jewellery Museum integrates the rich offer of the territory by being included within the Vicenza museum circuit of the historical city center, which can be visited with the single ticket “Vicenza Card”. A synergy also strengthened in the operational management of the ticket office and bookshop thanks to the collaboration with the Consortium “Vicenza è”, which already coordinates the city's tourist sites.

The first museum in Italy and one of the few in the world dedicated exclusively to jewellery, the exhibition confirms its central role in the narration of precious objects deeply rooted in the culture and traditions, also thanks to the temporary exhibitions which enrich the itinerary museum with thematic insights. Among these, until May 7th 2023 it is possible to visit "Jewels and amulets. Beauty in ancient Egypt", born from the collaboration with the Museo Egizio and collateral to the great exhibition in the Palladian Basilica "I creatori dell’Egitto eterno. Scribi, artigiani e operai al servizio del faraone".

Furthermore, from November the Museum opened its doors to families with workshops and educational activities to explore the goldsmith's art from new perspectives. Those scheduled until May are dedicated to the images and atmospheres of ancient Egypt and the charm of its millenary culture. "Eco of Egypt" will be the theme of next Sunday, February 26th, to discover the "Egyptmania" in modern jewels, while hieroglyphs will be at the center of the meeting entitled "Nefer = Beauty", scheduled for Sunday March 16th. It will be possible to discover the uses and functions of amulets in the "UDJAT, DJED, TIT, BES" workshop on Sunday April 16th, but also the design of Egyptian jewellery in the event dedicated to "Precious designs", Sunday May 28th. The project, which will bring participants of all ages to experiment and create real artefacts inspired by ancient Egyptian techniques, intends to bring the new generations ever closer to the goldsmith's art.

To register for the workshops, reservations are required by calling +39 0444 320799 or by mail at .

Children aged form 5 to 12 will be able to enter the Museum for free, while to participate in the workshops the fee will be 4.50 euros. The cost for adult admission is 10.00 euros (5.00 euros if resident in Vicenza and its province), 4.50 euros for the laboratory.

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