Monday, 08 May 2023

Mother's Day at the Museum

Sunday May 14th, all mothers accompanied by their sons and daughters will have the opportunity for a free guided tour of the permanent "Italian Jewels" exhibition

Mother's Day at the Museum

Sunday, May 14th, 2023 The Jewellery Museum celebrates Mother's Day.

All mothers accompanied by their sons and daughters will have the opportunity for a free guided tour of the permanent exhibition "Italian Jewels".

Guided tours will be at 3.30 pm or 4.30 pm. Included in the cost of the entrance ticket, therefore, is an accompanied tour to better appreciate the best goldsmith stories of the peninsula, together with the artifacts of the temporary exhibition "Jewels and amulets. Beauty in ancient Egypt", extended until Sunday, May 28th.

For info and reservations call +39 0444 320799 or write an email to

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